Editors Raei, Guenther and Berkley are to be commended for the foresight they demonstrated in publishing this remarkable text. By exercising their convening power, the editors assembled a collection of erudite scholar/practitioners to explore a topic of monumental import— The work is firmly grounded on three critical pillars—research, theory and practice. Organized into 4 cogent parts ranging from Emerging Concepts to the Shadow Side of Leadership, this book invites readers to imbibe an intellectual feast which stimulates both mind and senses.
The editors begin by discussing our current global context making a clear and compelling distinction between the terms meta-crisis and poly-crisis. A meta-crisis, they opine, “reflects the foundational interconnection of all systems, including the inner human landscape” (p. 2). Conversely, the poly-crisis “describes multiple, simultaneous crises that are distinct from each other but still interconnected and caused by external factors, such as climate change and globalization” (p.2 ). In so doing, the editors context set the context for a rich and robust exploration of our leadership challenges at the individual, collective and systemic levels. Moreover, they clearly achieve their purpose—to shed light and share insights as they explicate how leadership can “effectively address polycrises” (p. xxxi). Calling for a profound shift in how we approach leadership in the 21st century, they assert that the challenges we face require the development of a metamodern worldview that facilitates leading in a completely new way. I agree. Raei, Guenther and Berkley recognize the need for “a holistic approach” to our individual and collective leadership praxis. Furthermore, this volume provides us with a comprehensive toolkit for developing said approach.
The text is copiously organized and documented. As an instructor seeking critical resources to share with my students, I particularly appreciate the inclusion of glossary of terms and the thoughtful yet succinct presentation of author bios.