As a 2023 Green Fellow, I have a profound sense of thanksgiving for having submitted my project, Playing the Angels’ Game: Exploring the Persepctives of Black Foreign Service Women to the American Folklife Center, a division of the Library of Congress. The Green Fellowship was established in honor of the late Dr. Archie Green, the father of Laborlore, the discipline which emerged from the fusion of folklore and labor studies.
The collection includes 160 files containing interviews, transcripts and digital artifacts. In case you are wondering, diplomacy is called the Angels’ Game because the angels were the first messengers from the heavens to the Earth. Take 4 minutes to watch the video below; it provides a brief explanation of the Angels’ Game collection.
Stay tuned to learn more about the collection and gain access several of the interviews.
I am so grateful.
I am so grateful.
I am so grateful.
Note: Emerging Angel, is a mixed media collage, I created in Vancouver. In a process I call gathering medicine, all of the maerials I incorporated are recycled and repurposed. George (c) 2023
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